Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! As many of you know, I graduated from Dartmouth in June and was selected to be a Grassroot Soccer field intern. Grassroot Soccer (GRS) is a South-African based NGO founded by former professional soccer players. It intergrates the cross-cultural appeal of soccer with evidence-based HIV prevention and life skills programs that arm African youth with the knowledge, skills, and support to live HIV free. Translating research into action and leveraging the excitement around the 2010 World Cup, GRS attracts and engages African youth through schools, community outreach, and social multimedia. It is focused around the realization that the true power of soccer has always been connections that it creates between people. By using soccer players as role models, and the popularity of soccer to engage hard to reach young people, GRS combines social theory, public health methodologies, rigorous evaluation, and a huge dose of passion. Since 2003, over 270,000 youth in 16 countries have received comprehensive HIV prevention education through programs linked to GRS. By bringing the model to scale through innovative and sustainable partnerships, GRS aims to educate many more by World Cup 2010.

I am truly passionate about this cause and organization. However, in order to participate as an intern, I have been asked to raise $10,000 to cover my living expenses and I am currently $2,000 short of my goal. Please consider supporting me in the fight against HIV/AIDS and making a tax-deductible donation with the icon below. Thank you for the support and I hope you continue to follow this blog as I post updates throughout my internship.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day! We started it off with a bang this morning by visiting the local radio station and having Hooter give an impromptu talk about GRS and our event this weekend (more to come about that soon). He did an awesome job, especially for having no idea that he was going to be on air. Linds and I definitely enjoyed being able to sit in the studio with him without having to actually talk. We're both still a little too shy for that. The DJ at the station liked our program so much that he is having Hooter go back with Thuso tomorrow morning during primetime to go through one of our games on air. It sounds like he also wants us to come back on a regular basis to be part of his show. What a great partnership to be started on World AIDS Day!

President Zuma also gave a speech today about improving care for people living with HIV. It's kind of a big deal since he has not always acknowledged the severity of HIV in South Africa. The New York Times featured the speech as one of its headlines today. Check it out:


Today is also the day that Nike launches their partnership with the (RED) campaign to leverage the power of sport to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Grassroot Soccer is Nike’s long-term partner in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and is prominently featured as part of Nike’s story telling around this initiative, bringing to life how football can play a powerful role in educating youth about HIV/AIDS prevention. Nike’s (RED) campaign promotes Grassroot Soccer as an example of the type of program that is making a difference through raising awareness of HIV/AIDS and by providing education, enabling young people to make informed decisions, and using sport as a catalyst to engage and communicate to African youth.

Check out the inspirational Nike video profiling GRS South Africa: http://inside.nike.com/blogs/nikesoccer/2009/11/30/fighting-hivaids-through-soccer

Bono, Nike’s President/CEO Mark Parker and (NIKE)RED's Global Ambassador Didier Drogba announced this new campaign last night when football stars from around the world gathered at Niketown London to debut red laces that they all will wear on the field to show their support for this campaign.

Nike’s signature (RED) product for the partnership, Red Laces, are available online or at Nike stores throughout the world. Nike is contributing 100% of the proceeds from the laces to the Global Fund and organizations like GRS who are committed to fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS through the power of football.

And as a bonus, if you buy your laces today you get free shipping: http://store.nike.com/index.jsp?country=US&lang_locale=en_US#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-307448

If you want to learn more about the (NIKE)RED campaign and GRS’s involvement, check out www.nikefootball.com/red.

Thanks for your interest and support in the fight against HIV and AIDS!